
A B Seek was created by a NZ mum as a fun book for her daughter. Each page is a new colour (with the Te Reo word as well) then a huge list of items to find – see the gallery photo for examples.
Its a beautiful hard cover book with paper pages. Perfect for around age 2-6. Happy finding!

This is the first adult book that we’re stocking and I’m super excited! I’ve started reading it but I couldn’t wait to share it with you!
From the back of the book:
Dye your Hair Purple Sooner
It’s not about your hair.
It’s about living your life boldly, authentically and genuinely as 100% yourself.
Dye Your Hair Purple Sooner is the self-help book for high achievers who have done everything right, but have a lingering sense of “is this all there is?”
Each chapter walks you through experiences, stories and activities that will help you see where you have been mis-sold the idea of success… and replace it with your own version of what it means to live your life in glorious technicolour instead of the dull and murky grey.
Dye your Hair Purple Sooner helps you:
- Redefine what success means to you and explain why no-one told you this before
- Overcome perfectionism, procrastination and imposter syndrome once and for all
- Set goals you can actually achieve
- Connect with others just like you who took the leap and metaphorically dyed their hair purple
By the end of this book, you will have your life so dialled in that you’ll wish you’d done it sooner….
(Its okay. You don’t have to dye your hair purple to make that dream a reality!).
Lorraine Hamilton is a purple-haired engineer turned Executive Coach, author and international speaker.

Kowhai and the Giants is a NZ picture book by new author Kate Parker. It follows Kowhai as she sees the decimation of the forest in Aotearoa New Zealand as the land is settled and the hope that one day, a might forest can be achieved – one small seedling at a time. A story of hope and resilience.
As a visual artist, the images are stunning – each created with layers of paper then photographed to form the images in the book.

Kat Merewether has done is again with another stunning book! This one is a colouring in book that is suited to all ages with space for getting creative.
Work together or separately, this is sure to be a favourite for both young and old!